This site ain't Java or IE4 enhanced.
I do have some Javascript, but don't get your hopes up for too much excitement. Finally, don't blame me if you use Internet Exploder..err Explorer 4.

Get the latest FAQs
on the anime school girl fighter:
Asuka 120% Burning Fest. Special
on the anime RPG for the PSX:
Ruroni Kenshin RPG

I strongly suggest you use Netscape 3.0 or higher browser to view this document. Otherwise, you'll be missing alot. =) Yeah, I know this is not a very impressive site, but I get tired of sitting around all day to download animated gifs, java applets, huge javascripts, midis or unthumbnailed images. So don't expect much, I don't want to waste your time. Please drop me an email and let me know what I need to change, do, fix, or if a link doesn't work anymore, at [email protected]

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(Unless you pay for Internet..)
It is insured against flood, uses the Force, comes as-is,
has less than 2% alcohol, is Constitutionally protected, has all rights reserved, doesn't use cookies, has no banners,
is made of space-age materials, has no MSG or artificial coloring, won't rust chip or fade, uses Blast Processing, and is soley for educational or informational purposes.

Any resemblence to other web-pages living or deceased is purely coindidental.

It also has absolutely NO references to the following:
porn, drugs, hacking, phreaking,
munitions explosives or other incindiary devices,
warez, sitez, virii, mp3z, java,
number of hits the site has, pointless info about my life,
pictures of my pets, or links to my friends' lame web pages.

If anything contained herein annoys, irritates, offends, scares, upsets, troubles, concerns, disturbs, angers or otherwise compells you to write me a complain letter, save it. I get enough mail...

Last updated Apr. 23, 1998